Wednesday, October 25, 2017


COINSPACE ECO SYSTEM_ .............To Be Launched In November of 2017

Three (3) Main Characteristics of the Coinspace Eco System:

1. Crypto Currency - Scoin
2. Payment System - Debit Card & Swiping Device
3. Application

1. Crypto Currency
Coinspace will allow all members to exchange/swap our Held Coins with other Crypto Currencies already existing in the market.
Back Exchanger would soon be introduced to facilitate such an unique transaction.

2. Payment System
Members will also have the advantage of not only using the Debit Card but also the right to market our Swiping Device to merchants all over the globe. In doing so, members are paid generous royalties for the rest of their lives.

3. Application
The application that would be employed by Coinspace is not just another app.
It has many features that can make everyone excited, among others:

a) It can be used by consumers dealing in or possessing any kind of Crypto Currencies.

b) Members can not only market the product but also the services, to expand their business and generate more income.

c) The application also acts as a Social Media like Facebook, where members can promote and advertise businesses.

d) The Coinspace application is equipped with the GPS System that locates a participating merchant with ease. As such members and users of other Crypto Currencies need not worry about how or where to use their coins. The merchants too need not worry about the odd location of their outlets.

e)The application is both Debit Card and Crypto Currency-friendly.

The Never Before Seen Power Of Hashing And Mining From The New Cryptocurrency, Coinspace (S-Coin):

Coinspace can achieve more hashing power than 3000 GPU based miners used by our competitors with just one Coinspace Miner.

Our mining centres located throughout the world are state of the art, most up to date and most powerful in the entire Cryptocurrency space.

Others can claim they lease hashing power or show outdated mining equipment that is not even profitable but only Coinspace has the hashing power to properly back up the S-Coin.

Creating a blockchain and releasing a Genesis block is the easy part, creating an ecosystem that can support the coins for the long term is something that has never been achieved in the direct marketing space before.

Coinspace will be the first to ever succeed with this task, once again proving that we are the true innovators in our space.

After it's launch in November the S-coin will skyrocket in value to eventually become number one in the industry due to it's far superior technology and infrastructure that it has in place.

The brand-new Merchant Program exclusively available at Coinspace. This new merchant platform will allow our Coinspace members to offer merchants pricing far below those of current providers and banks. Not only does this state of the art system save merchants money, it also offers additional benefits like prominent position online including google places and it even allows them to establish online web shops and ecommerce stores with just a few clicks.

Features Available Now:
- One time and recurring payments.
- Instant online presence.
- Appear online in Google Maps and Google Places as well as other predominant online portals.

Features coming soon:
- Store loyalty programs.
- Direct to Customer marketing and offers.
- Geolocation targeting.
- SERVICES POS Card and Crypto pay.
- e-commerce mobile and web pay.
- Merchant tools and shop.
- Web Shop – instant and easy.
- Search engine – google places.
- Buyer protection.
- Delivery services.
- Ad services, push messages.

Global marketplace.
Trust through brand recognition.
Product search engine with maps.
Local market presence boost.
Loyalty program and Cashback.
Prepaid credit card for all.
Subscriptions, Wish lists and Coupons.
Please don't get caught up in all the hype created by other Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin who can't back up

To learn more, copy and paste the following address to your browser : http(s)://

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