Tips of How to Stay Young ....

Hi! There ..

I am so glad to found this Tips. Who doesn't want to stay young? right? OK! So, here the Tips...... Lets do it!.....lets practice!

Research has found that people who generally live longer partly because of good habits. Dr.Vernon Coleman and others provide some of these goods habits for longevity.

1. Laugh & have fun, don't be gloomy
2. Let bygones be bygones. dwelling on the past inflicts unnecessary stress
3. Early to bed, early to rise, is healthy & wise
4. Stay lean, being just 30% overweight is bad
5.Keep learning, reading & socializing - an alert & active mind keep brain cell healthy
6. Keep working, doing something you like. Don't retire, its slows down your body
7. Be the boss of your own life. Letting others push you around produces stress
8. Exercise, quit smoking and eat less fatty foods
9. Do not worry about health & death, just get on with your life and enjoy it

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